Monday, August 24, 2020

Gainsborough Essay Research Paper Gainsborough A Story free essay sample

Gainsborough Essay, Research Paper Gainsborough, A Story of a Painter and an Era To have the option to quantify the innovation of eighteenth century English craftsmanship, one must recognize its significance ever. An incredible painter to examine is Thomas Gainsborough. His designs was an of import feature of the craftsmanship network of the in the middle of 17 100s. His photos appear to pass on brilliance and shading to a period in workmanship that required his originative support. His blend of representation pictures alongside excellent scenes was non perceived in his clasp, however would be perceived as particular in this way ever. Thomas Gainsborough was conceived in 1727 in the town of Sudbury in Suffolk ( Internet 1 ) . He grew up as the kid of a carpentry male parent and his female parent was an educator. He had 7 siblings and sisters, with whom he went to class until he was 13. He headed out to London and worked for a Silversmith. While there he saw numerous painters, he delighted in it and started painting himself. We will compose a custom article test on Gainsborough Essay Research Paper Gainsborough A Story or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It was great that he started painting with no proper scholastic exercises ( Woodall 11 ) . In perniciousness of that his work was truly astonishing and he distributed his first examinations in 1747. He was incredibly affected by the extraordinary painter Sir Anthony Van Dyck before he concluded that it was cut Jason Lucier English 105 12/13/99 for him to go forward the silverworker # 8217 ; s store ( Internet 2 ) . He wedded and had two young ladies, his affection for painting forged ahead. His affection for painting scenes brought incredible pictures, yet these were non mainstream bounty to increase an actual existence. He needed to paint depictions to keep up a pay. Gainsborough # 8217 ; s blend of both representation way picture and scene picture was to give him a major part to his age of painters. Up until this point in cut, pictures were ordinarily face shootings or every so often full natural structure shootings. Gainsborough set out to modify this. Works of art and studies we most much of the time finished inside with an extremely basic foundation or in many examples no foundation by any means. This did non association Gainsborough ; he appreciated having the option to paint themes # 8217 ; out-of-doorss ( Internet 4 ) . He was partial to pulling trees grass and different articles that would non be found in an indoor studio. He was non the first to pull foundations in quite a while pictures ; many have done this before him. His endeavor was to paint a foundation that was simply all of import as the themes do however non redirect either. By painting out-of-doorss, his photos turned out to be considerably more beautiful that most photos of the days gone by ( Woodall 32 ) . More brilliant pictures were a lot of advancement over the photos of the days gone by. They were truly oculus engaging and considerably more observable. Gainsborough # 8217 ; s undeveloped painter # 8217 ; s oculus did Jason Lusignan English 105 12/13/99 non outcome the aftereffect of his photos ; he was painting from his chest. He painted whatever his eyes saw ; in many occasions the aftereffect of his photos were an ideal blend of foundation and forefront. People groups started to get down recognizing his designs despite the fact that he did non hold an evaluation or formal guidance in workmanship ; this was truly encouraging to the youthful painter. His stir simple climbed into the incredible designs of the city. His name was going thoroughly understood. He can get down his calling with the brilliant colourss he added to the landscape of the image. One splendid representation of where the colourss and view affected an image is in the image # 8220 ; Mr. also, Mrs. Andrews. # 8221 ; In my first investigation of the image, numerous requests were raised. One request raised was the point at which I was looking at the image was the means by which I saw the numerous colourss utilized. While dissecting different pictures in this clasp outline I have ordinarily observed just dim colourss, for example, inkinesss and greies. The colourss that are utilized are dull and dreary. Presently returning to dissect Gainsborough # 8217 ; s works it is astonishing to perceive how much splendid, cheerful shading adds to an image. The human progress and way of the age was changing, increasingly bright vesture, especially the vesture of grown-up females. This is the start of the Age of Enlightenment and numerous adjustments will take topographic point in this coevals ( Internet 5 ) . Jason Lusignan English 105 12/13/99 The image, # 8220 ; Mr. what's more, Mrs. Andrews, # 8221 ; was painted in 1750, an incredible clasp for improvement in England. Gainsborough was at the apex of his prosperity ; 100s of various individuals were seeing outlines of his work each twenty-four hours. His work was prank ; his photos indicated another class and way. The splendid colourss of his image were the primary thing to get my oculus when I inspected the image. These colourss appeared to demo how the atmosphere about the image was a lot more joyful in light of its glare. The felicity that it starts to demo is simply one delineation of why I think the temper of the scene is extremely chipper. Despite the fact that they themes do non hold gigantic smilings on their faces, they appear to be cheerful for othe R grounds. By adding something extra to the historical backdrop of this image, I’ve found that these two individuals are hitched. Truth be told they have only late hitched and they are get bringing down a ranch and family unit of their ain ( Woodall 32 ) . Notice the colourss in the image, the woman’s gown is a light somewhat blue shading. It makes a genuinely pleasant lucifer with the blues in the sky. Exact tissue tones and great lucifers to the rest of the land and landscape made Gainsborough one of the Prime Minister painters in the focal point of the 17 100s. Alongside the utilization of numerous colourss the picture expresses numerous different things about the clasp ever, including vesture, arms, and in any event, cultivating strategies. Upon rethinking the Jason Lusignan English 105 12/13/99 painting these things can be resolved. This is extremely strange for photos of this clasp. What they state is genuine ; pictures can express a 1000 words. One thing that leaps good and gone is the subjects # 8217 ; vesture. The vesture is extremely normal of what Europeans ; especially those of England would hold worn. The solitary intriguing thing is the thing that the grown-up female is have oning. It is non the ordinary unremarkable wear, however a greater amount of her best gown. His vesture is the thing that a grown-up male would normally have on to either chip away at the homestead or make his chasing. In either example the image is demoing extremely precise representations if eighteenth century way ( Woodall 32 ) . I went over the exchange with way and vesture in my first discussion with the image. She had referenced something about using the cash from the harvests to buy vesture. That is what number of family units of the 1750 # 8217 ; s endured the winter. Any overall gain that was produced using cultivating or different concerns was utilized to buy vesture and different necessities for the winter. An exact word image of life was found by only looking at the image. After gaze upward toing the female in the image, the male comes into the picture. He is dressed pleasantly and looks arranged for a Hunt. He is have oning a decent chapeau that is other than commonplace of the clasp as observed in numerous different photos of the clasp. What comes Jason Lusignan English 105 12/13/99 to my going to is his weapon it is an exact representation of a firearm that an in the middle of class male would have. It is a long barrelled flintlock and would be seen in numerous contentions or wars ( Internet 6 ) . He is non rather a tough grown-up male this just goes to demo that he hasn # 8217 ; t been cultivating such long. In mature ages in front his troublesome work will develop his musculuss up. Generally he has all the earmarks of being the ideal man of honor and with his trusty Canis familiaris, he ought to have the option to murder the whole of vivify creatures his family unit will require for supplement. This was other than raised in my discussion with the image. I had referenced how she was by all accounts keeping something in her lap, conceivable dead game. This reality isn # 8217 ; t truly demonstrated in light of the fact that the image was non finished. The last spot of recorded informations that I saw is the image was the cut feed in the scene. This is a great re presentation of how husbandmans finished their homestead duties. The roughage was sliced and left to dry, it so must be integrated by manus. This is very different than how husbandmans in the twentieth century have machines to complete the work. Homestead work was non a simple life. Numerous individuals did it and it made a major entirety of cash for the business farmer ( Internet 3 ) . The overview of pictures can simple demo realities about the history behind it. I accept that a sensibly exact word image of the account of the individuals in the image. Albeit an Jason Lusignan English 105 12/13/99 entirely right result is non ever offered because of a wide range of grounds, perusing an image is non each piece hard as it might look. In this particular delineation of craftsmanship, an about flawless word image of eighteenth century life is accomplished. From the outset sight an image may look puzzling, yet with only a little discussion with it should hold all within informations made sense of. Craftsmanship is History. Catalog Beginnings Woodall, Mary. Gainsborough. London: Phoenix House Restricted, 1949. Web beginnings 1 hypertext move convention:/ 8 December, 1999. 12 December, 1999. 2 hypertext move convention:/ 8 December, 1999. 12 December, 1999. 3 hypertext move convention:/ 8 December, 1999. 12 December, 1999. 4 hypertext move convention:/

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Amoled Technology Essay

Since 2001, supported by national and european projects, the Institute is growing new research lines concentrated on sub-atomic magnets, sub-atomic opto-electronic gadgets, sub-atomic machines and supraand supermolecular structures with extensive electron move forms. The IcMol has utilized in excess of 100 logical scientists and is based at the Valencia University Campus. The Institute presents the most exceptional frameworks for the planning and portrayal of natural light transmitting diodes, natural sunlight based cells and other particle based opto-electronic gadgets. Primary undertakings in the venture are the accompanying: †¢ Preparation of p and n type arrangement processable charge infusion layers †¢ Wet handling of optically or electronically dynamic little particles †¢ Hybrid and standard gadget planning and portrayal www. uv. es †www. icmol. es Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners Leti is a CEA lab situated in Grenoble which is one of the primary European applied research places in hardware. Over 85% of its movement is committed to investigate that is directed with outside accomplices. We are an accomplice to the modern world, with 200 colleagues and 350 agreements per year. Leti has prompted the formation of right around 30 new businesses in high-innovation, including Soitec, the world head in Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI). We records nearly 180 licenses every year and deal with an arrangement of 1,000 developments secured by licenses. Our primary zones of action are as per the following: †¢Micro-and nano-advances for microelectronics, †¢ Technologies, structure and coordination of microsystems, †¢ Imaging advances, †¢ Micro-and nano-innovations for science and wellbeing, †¢ Communication advances and traveler objects. Leti is enriched with a yearly spending plan of 174 Mâ‚ ¬ and utilizes 1,000 individuals with, furthermore, in excess of 500 outer colleagues (postgraduates, examine accomplices and industrialists). We have 11,000m? of tidy up rooms, a hardware portfolio worth 200 Mâ‚ ¬ and we contribute more than 40 Mâ‚ ¬ a year on new gear. Leti is one of the principle powers behind Minatecâ ®, Europe’s chief Center of Excellence in Microand Nano-advancements. Later on Minatecâ ® is bound to unite in excess of 4,000 specialists, industrialists and showing staff in Grenoble. www-leti. cea. fr Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners PPML is one of the main European organizations that are putting resources into OLED applications. PPML was conceived in 2005 with the mean to turn into the greatness in assembling OLED based arrangements. Having gathered a wide database of plausible applications, PPML is right now working in the arrangement of certain models and general demonstrator in organization with OSRAM-OS and with the plan to dispatch the primary arrangements in corresponding with OLED presentation into the lighting market. PPML will add to CombOLED venture driving the dispersal exercises so as to quicken OLED infiltration to the last clients. Consequently, PPML will lead a wide spread crusade through realized channels like the association of a particular Design Contest and exceptional Workshops with the significant European Design School. www. ppml. it Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners Schreiner Group Innovation, Quality, Performance and Enthusiasm are the estimations of Schreiner Group situated in Oberschleissheim close to Munich. The family-possessed business creates, plans and delivers cutting edge items. As affirmed framework providers and improvement accomplices, seven specific divisions offer an exhaustive scope of inventive items and altered arrangements. Schreiner ProTech conveys singular answers for self-glue markings and utilitarian segments for building ventures. Schreiner MediPharm centers around self-glue items for clinical innovation and pharmaceuticals. Schreiner ProSecure offers a wide scope of fake evidence answers for validness and worth assurance. Schreiner LogiData spends significant time in information bearers, transponders and complete frameworks dependent on RFID innovation. Schreiner VarioLight creates and delivers printed hardware, specifically high-grade electroluminescent lights with electronic force flexibly and control parts. Schreiner Systems offers total arrangements from counseling backing and advancement of determinations, to conveyance and establishment of hard-and programming, right to after-deals administration. Schreiner Labels structures and delivers names for item stamping and promoting. Schreiner Group’s involvement with printing electronic gadgets comes from different items including recieving wires, capacitive sensors and electroluminescent lights.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Sexual abuse offenders

Sexual abuse offenders How Could Anyone Do That to a Child? Home›Research Posts›How Could Anyone Do That to a Child? Research PostsIntroductionIn our societies, we cannot fail to talk about the rising and unending cases of rape. It is as sad topic to cover and the act really affects the victims. The most and frequently asked question when one studies this or is in a discussion about this ordeal is what makes a man to this. In recent times the act has been seen to cross bounds to even involve young children from both sexes.Research shows that most sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims and in fewer cases are they strangers. Reasons that may cause an adult to molest a child are for instance the medical condition of pedophilia. Research shows that most of the sexual offenders who abuse prepubescent children are reportedly pedophiles, this is however not the case always as when they are tested, some are said not to reach the clinical standards of pedophilia. A researcher on child abuse m atters named Dr. Finkelhor says that for sex abuse to take place there must be preconditions.He suggests that some molesters find children more sexually attractive they therefore desire to have sex with children, this ill may be genetic, it may stem from earlier exposure in child porn and so forth. He moves on to explain that some molesters overcome their own inhibitions against sexual ability with children; this makes them throw away their dignity and fulfill their evil wants. He states clearly that the potential molester finds his own queer way of creating the opportunity with the minor, at this juncture, the same molester also braces himself to overcome any form of resistance brought forth by the victim. These factors in place, Dr. Finkelhor explains that sexual harassment will definitely take place.ConclusionSexual abuse is a very immoral act and the children’s act really opposes this with a very severe punishment to any convicted molester. It leads to a very low life on the p art of a victim, the factors that may lead to one been a molester should be well looked at and proper measure to avoid them put in place.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Animal Farm An Allegory of Russian History Essay - 903 Words

Animal Farm is an allegory of the period in Russian history between 1917 and 1944. It is a satirical story written in the form of an animal fable. In writing Animal Farm as a fable, George Orwell is able to present his subject in simple symbolic terms by treating the development of communism as a story that is taking place on a single farm with talking animals. The characters of Animal Farm represent figures in Russian history during the Russian Revolution. Places, objects, and events of the Russian Revolution are also symbolized in Animal Farm. One of the main characters of Animal Farm is an allegorical parallel of Joseph Stalin. Napoleon is the pig that emerges as the leader of Animal Farm after the Rebellion. He represents†¦show more content†¦This phenomenon is not unique to Russia or Animal Farm: it happens throughout the world. Governments have done similar things to improve their standing by blaming an invisible enemy. The purges and show trials with which Stalin eliminated his enemies and cemented his power mirrors the false confessions and executions of animals that Napoleon distrusts after the windmill collapse. Stalin’s tyrannical rule and abandonment of the founding principles of the Russian Revolution are represented by Napoleon’s turn to violent government and the adoption of human traits and behaviours. Animal Farm symbolizes Russia and the Soviet Union under communist party rule. But more generally, Animal Farm stands for any human society, be it capitalist, socialist, fascist, or communist. It possesses the internal structure of a nation, with a government (the pigs), a police force or army (the dogs), and a working class (other animals). Its location amidst a number of hostile neighbouring farms supports its symbolism as Russia. The Farmhouse in the story is a symbol of the Kremlin. The Kremlin is home of the Tsar (Mr. Jones). After the revolution, there were some that wanted to destroy the farmhouse, but it was decided to preserve it as a museum. The Kremlin was saved in a similar manner. Eventually Napoleon (Stalin) decided to take up residence there. Orwell uses the farmhouse to show the difference in authorityShow MoreRelatedAllegory Of George Orwells Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution749 Words   |  3 Pagesbook called Animal Farm demonstrates that the story is an al legory for the Russian Revolution. The story explains about power and how is the society being ruled. At first, it has been nice, until there is power and nobody is actually equal to each other. Mostly, the animals or people do not accept anything like that, but the society has changed and it will never be the same. Therefore, the book, Animal Farm, and history, Russian Revolution, have similar connections of what do the animals and peopleRead MoreWays of Viewing Animal Farm: Historical Allegory, Fable, and Suspension of Disbelief752 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal farm tells the story of a group of animals rebelling successfully against the previous owner, Mr Jones, who was considered to be a tyrant of animal/manor farm. The farm was planned to be communist place but because of most of the animals gullibility and unintelligence the pigs who where smarter took control and made a hierarchy and exploited the animals. Then eventually the pigs became more like humans doing things like walking on two legs and wearing cloths. However would animal farm beRead MoreSimilarities between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution874 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The Russian Revolution Animal Farm Animal Farm is a satirical novella by George Orwell, and it can also be understood as a modern fable. The book is about a group of animals who drive away the humans from the farm which they live on, and it is primarily based on the Russian Revolution. Animal Farm is well known as an allegory. Most fables have two levels of meanings. On the surface, the fable is about animals. But on the second level, the animals stand for types of people or ideas. The way theRead MoreHow Has George Orwell Used Animal Farm to Present His View of Human Nature?789 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Orwell’s Animal Farm is a satirical allegory through which he presents his cynical view of human nature. He uses the animal fable effectively to expose the issues of injustice, exploitation and inequality in human society. Orwell uses the allegory, Animal Farm, to present the story of The Russian Revolution and essentially express his opinions on the matter. By plainly exposing the unjust and corrupt system that is communism, Orwell is ultimately presenting his pessimistic view of humanRead MoreAn Allegory In Animal Farm By George Orwell?819 Words   |  4 Pagesopportunities does writing Animal Farm as an allegory rather than an academic essay offer Orwell? The novel Animal Farm was written by George Orwell. This book was published in 1945 during the time of World War 2. It intended to portray the communism that was happening throughout Russia. Orwell took a massive risk in publishing and jeopardized his wellbeing to publicise his thoughts and to get his point across to the public. This essay will discuss what opportunities Animal Farm provides Orwell by writingRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesAnimal Farm is of course, a satirical allegory, very specifically of the Russian Revolution and of Stalin (Napoleon in the book), but more generally of revolution, the idealism of utopias, and the way in which people take control of societies founded on principles of equality. It is a satirical allegory of Soviet totalitarianism. Orwell based major events in the book on ones from the Soviet Union during the Stalin era. Orwell, a democratic socialist, and a member of the Independent Labour PartyRead MoreAnimal Farm is an allegory that was written by George Orwell that tells the story of the Russian800 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Farm is an allegory that was written by George Orwell that tells the story of the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union by using a great deal of symbolism. Three things that Orwell represented in his allegory were the leaders of the Russian Revolution/Soviet Union, the government, and even objects that were important to the Revolution. In Animal Farm George Orwell used his characters to represent the leaders of the Soviet Union and the people of Russia. Mr. Jones, the farmer whom the animalsRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1397 Words   |  6 PagesAn important quote by the influential author of Animal Farm, George Orwell, is, â€Å"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.† George Orwell, a Democratic Socialist, wrote the book Animal Farm as an attack on the Communist country of Russia (â€Å"The Political Ideas of George Orwell,† He had a very strong disliking of Communism and the Socialist party of Russia. However, he insisted on finding the truthRead MoreAllegorical Features Of Animal Farm 2086 Words   |  9 Pages Allegorical Features in Animal Farm Chapter I Introduction An allegory is a narrative story with duel level of understanding. We got the word allegory from the Latin word allegoria . First, there is the plot of the story. Then there is a representation which inscribes an indication of the surface presentation. The allegory symbolically can be means as historical or philosophical, poletical or religious. Allegories are like massive metaphors, but they usually comeRead MoreHow Is Marxism Portrayed in Animal Farm by George Orwell? Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesHow is Marxism portrayed throughout ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell? The main aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society, and ‘Animal Farm’ is generally considered to be a Marxist novel, as all its characters share a similar ambition at the beginning. ‘Animal Farm’ represents an example of the oppressed masses rising up to form their own classless society, whilst offering a subtle critique on Stalin’s Soviet Russia, and communism in general. Orwell is, ironically, revolutionary in his

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technologies a Friend or a Foe - Argumentative Essay

SEGUNIAL, Katelyn Margarette C. 02 October 2012 2012106211 / A1A Argumentative Essay Technologies: A Friend or A Foe? Our world is constantly becoming modernized through technologies. It is use by people to improve the way they live for their everyday living. It changed other aspects of our everyday life such as work and leisure time activities. Through technologies, it helps us in changing our lives and shaping our future rapidly. Technology is important to us but at the same time it is risky and harmful when people will use it on a bad way. But now that almost everyone in the modern society are surrounded by technologies, the more we need it for the generations to come that will help†¦show more content†¦From pieces of stone to cook, cut trees, make fire and many more to the modernize ones. Today, our society is more onto sciences as technologies. Social issues today that involve science are the stem cells operation, cosmetics and others. Our society is really growing faster as times goes by. Technologies made our society improve for the better through using it as a weapon to let the pe ople know the importance of helping each other in a place provided by these technologies. -MORE- TechnoFriend / 333 People are now into technologies. Today, that everything around us are technologies it is very useful for a person like me. For example doing my project and homework, reading, writing and so on. Things like books, papers and ballpens are already considered as technologies they can make student’s studying habit more meaningful and worth all sacrifices you made for studying. Everyday it is in every student’s body to use technologies as far as studying is concern. They can discover more things about something that make their mind think about. They can be aware to things they should and not do and many more. It’s really helpful for all of us. All those advantages and positive effects of technologies have its disadvantages and negative effects. One perfect example for all the students and teenagers today is that curiosity with their minds that they want to know, and upon knowing and discovering it they never know their limitations in usingShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages487 †¢ The Matrix Structure 488 New Design Options 490 The Virtual Organization 490 †¢ The Boundaryless Organization 492 †¢ The Leaner Organization: Downsizing 494 Why Do Structures Differ? 496 Organizational Strategy 496 †¢ Organization Size 498 †¢ Technology 498 †¢ Environment 499 Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior 501 Summary and Implications for Managers 502 CONTENTS xvii S A L Self-Assessment Library Do I Like Bureaucracy? 480 Self-Assessment Library How Willing Am I to Delegate

Consulting Assignment for Advanced Marketing Free Essays

Table of Content CONSULTING ASSIGNMENT CONSULTING ASSIGNMENT 1 1 KEY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS TRENDS 1. 1 Macro-Environmental Analysis Political There are legal requirements to set up retailing shops in Singapore. One can just apply for a retail permit online at the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (ACRA) website. We will write a custom essay sample on Consulting Assignment for Advanced Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now This leads to it being easy to overcome the barriers of entry, which may further cause an increase in the amount of competitors for OSIM. Since OSIM is in the Health industry, its subsidiary company of GNC/RichLife would have to go through the need of applying an additional permit from Health Sciences Authority (HSA). Another major concern would be the product safety issues and requirements in OSIM’s products. OSIM is registered with SPRING Singapore for Consumer Protection Scheme. This scheme ensures the basic safety requirements in OSIM’s products, and is further verified authentic with the â€Å"Safety Mark† label. Economical According to the latest World Health Statistics (2008), Singapore’s total health care expenditure only amounts to 3. % of its gross domestic product, which is substantially lesser than other Asian countries like Malaysia, China and India. However, Singapore spends more dollars per head than Malaysia, China and India, with an average of SGD$1228 per person. Even though Singapore is facing an economy recession since 2009, Singstat has reported an increase of about 4. 5 % in sales of medical goods in 2009 as compared to in 2008. This proves that Singaporeans are progressively concerned about healthcare and are more willing to spend on healthcare even in times of economic downturn. With this display of trend in Singapore, more competition and new entrants have penetrated Singapore. This will affect OSIM in terms of sales and many other factors, as new players will be fighting for the same market share. Increasing sales of healthcare products in Singapore shows that the lifestyle healthcare industry will continue to flourish or if not, do better in future. 3 More and more competitors are seeking to reduce production costs by locating their manufacturing plants in countries with low production costs and labor. This will affect OSIM in terms of pricecompetitiveness, as all of their massage chairs are designed and built in Japan. Social As Singapore is expected to continue developing into an increasingly affluent society, this will have substantial impact on trends in consumer behavior. Consumers will progressively become more brand and status conscious, more discerning and health conscious. As the population ages and material comfort grows, consumers are expected to pay more attention to their health, thus an increasing demand for fitness and health clubs, as well as choosing more expensive yet healthier food choices. This is particularly true for â€Å"Baby-Boomers† in their fifties now with larger spending power. More emphasis is placed on leisure activities, such as travelling, water sports, golfing and cultural activities. However, being workaholics, Singaporeans are constantly moving forward, hence little time is allocated to work out. Therefore, there is a potential market for OSIM that is in accordance with its philosophy of bringing healthy lifestyle to its consumers without the need of spending hours in the gym. In addition, especially after the recent pandemics such as Bird Flu, H1N1 and SARs, there is a greater need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Speaking of social status, being able to purchase an OSIM uDream would reflect the status symbol of those who can afford it due to its hefty price tag. Technological OSIM stands out from its competitors in terms of technological advances as well as the innovative design for its products. It is further proven and supported by prestigious Singapore Awards such as â€Å"The Brand with Exceptional Performance† and â€Å"RedDot Design Award† on more than one occasion. OSIM also makes it a point to constantly come up with new designs and products to further attract existing customers as well as new potential buyers. The company has come up with 6 new products catering to different needs in the last two years, such as uKimono, uSqueez Warm in 2009, and also uRobic, uSpace, uYoYo and uCrown, the world’s first anti-stress head massager in 2008. Offering an extensive range of products to suit the different needs of customers, as well as a wide range in product pricing, OSIM seeks out a large range of target market. 4 Improvements in technical functionality such as additional health benefits other than removing muscle aches in the massage chairs, lower electrical consumptions would help give OSIM further competitive advantage. OSIM has also made use of the technological advancements available to almost every household, which is the access of the internet. OSIM’s website allows potential buyers to find out more information, reviews by other users, and even to make online purchases, all at the comfort of their own home as well as at their own time. In order to attract more buyers, OSIM even have exclusive online offers that are not available in the physical shops. 1. 2 FIVE FORCES IMPACTING ON OSIM’S INDUSTRY Threat of New Entrants It is relatively easy to apply for operating license for new businesses in Singapore and it can be reflected in the daily average of 138 (ACRA Annual Report 2008/2009) of new entities that were registered. However, the initial capital requirement is high for the healthcare industry because of the RD cost and infrastructure of the manufacturing plant. In addition, the increase in imitations also amplifies the competitiveness of the industry posing great price differentials, thus leading to a high threat of new entrant. Despite being less price-competitive, OSIM’s products possess more superior quality. Therefore, threat of new entrants is deemed to be moderate. Threat of Substitute OSIM is highly threatened by the many varieties of substitutes available in the market. Since OSIM’s mission statement is to â€Å"offer their customers total well-being†, customers can also easily find these needs in many other substitutes. For instance, there has been a recent surge of fitness clubs, which serves as a one-stop centre for many consumers. Customers looking for a total workout can obtain all the equipments they need in these fitness clubs, without having to buy them. These fitness clubs also cater to consumers’ needs for lifestyle, for example, by providing plasma televisions fitted all around the clubs. Other substitutes includes, the very well-received spas and massage parlors, low cost manual and electrical massaging equipment, participating in active sports like Yoga or kickboxing, adopting healthier eating habits and consumption of health supplement pills. 5 It can be seen that most of the substitutes provide consumers with lower cost benefit s and some may even provide the same health advantages as OSIM products, hence, the threat of substitutes for OSIM is relatively high. Power of Buyer Consumers are presented with a wide array of competitive brands and alternatives such as fitness clubs and traditional massages. As Singaporeans are becoming more affluent, an average household income amounts to SGD$7440 which illustrates a high spending power. Hence, power of buyer is moderate. Power of Supplier Supplier Power for OSIM is moderate. They do not own their personal manufacturing plant or factory. Most of their manufacturing is outsourced to external companies in China and Japan. Recently, they have also entered a Joint Venture Agreement with Daito Electric Machine Industry Company. Daito will help OSIM in the molding and manufacturing of healthcare appliances. However, given that OSIM has numerous supplies of manufacturers, they can fall back on other manufacturers if one fails to commit for whatever reasons, thus the power of supplier is low. Intensity of Rivalry in Industry The main rivals in the healthcare industry include OTO and Ogawa. Being the market leader, OSIM is renowned for its quality and constant innovations. This clearly differentiates OSIM from its competitors. Conversely, its price positioning might put off some consumers and encourage consumers to patronage its competitors. Furthermore, as mode of entry to the retail market in Singapore is relatively easy, cost of exiting would be higher as ACRA has the right to reject any application of termination of a retail permit if they feel that the applicant can still â€Å"survive† the business, which simply means that the barriers to exiting the market is high. 6 1. 3 Key issues that are likely to impact on the marketing strategy for OSIM Key Environmental Possible Market Impact / Industry Issues Economical Rising expenditure on health OSIM care in Singapore can offer more attractive Possible Marketing Mix Implications romotions such as a package deal to attract more buyers Social Consumers are more aware of OSIM can educate consumers on the the need to live a healthier products and the health benefits lifestyle Technological Ever-advancing technology OSIM has to constantly update themselves with the latest technology to continuously innovate to retail existing customers Threat Substitutes of Many diffe rent forms of It is difficult for OSIM to counter such except to offer more substitutes, some of which substitutes might cost a lot less than the attractive promotions, better products roducts of OSIM or even attempting to reach out to the consumers more readily with well located shops Intensity of Rivalry Mode of entry into a retail The chances of more competitors within Industry business is relatively easy, entering the market and â€Å"lingering†, and while barriers of exit are high since OSIM focuses on quality in its products, it has to counter such new businesses in the form of quality products with newer technology, rather than low pricing strategies 7 Consulting Assignment 2 2 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS 2. 1 Market Segmentation OSIM OTO OGAWA Geographic ? Residential Areas ? Shopping Areas ? CBD Areas ? All age groups ? Residential Areas ? CBD Areas ? Residential Areas ? Shopping Areas ? CBD Areas ? All age groups Demographic ? Middle-aged Psychographic ? Consumers that seek innovation ? Fast-paced lifestyle ? Family-oriented ? Benefit from consuming novelty ? Seek quality ? Traditionally-oriented ? Family-oriented ? Consumers that seek innovation ? Fast-paced lifestyle ? Benefit from consuming novelty ? Seek value for money Behavioural ? High consumer loyalty ? Seek value for money 2. 2 Strategic Group Map The above strategic map illustrates the positioning of the two closest competitors in comparison with OSIM. Judging from the numbers in the map, OSIM has the strongest global presence with more than 1,100 outlets across 31 countries. OSIM also has the most product offerings that can satisfy the varieties of needs of consumers. Furthermore, OSIM makes use of their advancement in technology to constantly introduce innova tive products to the market. This would allow OSIM to attract new customers and retain existing ones. However, OSIM’s products are priced at a much higher level than its competitors. This gives OTO and OGAWA a competitive edge over OSIM. Despite the attractive prices, they have a weaker brand image. This can be clearly seen in an independent survey conducted where OSIM came up as the number 1 brand of healthy lifestyle products in consumers’ minds, ‘most preferred healthy lifestyle brand’ and ‘the most preferred Massage Chair’ across Asia. 9 2. 3 Competitive Strategy Theory Officially launched in 1993, OSIM is the global leader in branded healthy lifestyle products. The company is constantly developing new products that possess innovation technologies, bringing its consumers healthier lifestyle and overall well-being. The two key direct competitors include OTO Bodycare and OGAWA World. Name of Company OSIM Porter Generic Strategy Differentiation OSIM uses Market Positioning Market Leader advanced PRODUCT INNOVATION: OSIM expand its technology such as Osimotion total demand by constantly introducing Technology that distinguishes new products like uSqueeze and uKimono. tself from conventional devices that rely merely on vibration EFFECTIVE PROMOTION: OSIM recently and innovative Warm Air launched the uKimono that is endorsed by Technology to soothe tired International artiste SHE to reach out to muscles and improve blood the younger crowd so as to increase new circulation. users. INCREASE USERS: OSIM reinforced their global leadership position in the healthy lifestyle industry by their geographical expansion into USA, a large homogenous consumer m arket with about 100 million household, by entering into a definitive merger agreement with Nasdaq-listed Brookestone Inc. This transaction will bring OSIM to the next level in its growth and opportunities. OGAWA Cost Leadership Market Challenger Like OSIM, OGAWA does not OGAWA adopts the indirect attack on manufacture its own products. OSIM’s high pricing strategy. OGAWA’s This function is to in China being products are being priced much lower but the with similar functionality as compared to to OSIM thus securing the market share of outsourced manufacturer 10 achieve economies of scale. The more price sensitive customers. savings are then translated to the consumers by retailing the products at a much lower price. Despite the low price, quality is being compromised as the country of origin plays an important role. OTO Cost Leadership Market Challenger OTO focuses on providing lower Most products have similar functions and prices to win a larger share of benefits to OSIM, except that they are the market. Integration therapies of and traditional modern-day priced more competitively. With this, OTO is able to try to fight for a larger market share. technology allows them to offer OTO tries to indirectly attack OSIM’s high quality at low prices. With most of their outlets in weaknesses, its uncompetitive pricing strategy. eartland malls, they ensure Many of OTO outlets are also situated in maximum exposure in their the same locations as OSIM, strongly targeted market and also challenging them for market share. minimize operational expenses due to low rental costs. This ensures that they remain price competitive. 11 2. 4 OSIM’s Competitive Response Competitors OTO Strategies by Compet itors Price Low pricing strategy to gain market share Product Combines traditional therapies with modern-day technology OGAWA Price OSIM should employ Attack. the They OSIM Competitive Response Encirclement hould constantly develop firstin-the-market technologies and innovative products, to avoid Adopted penetration pricing price competition. strategy to gain market share. It is interesting to note that in They can also employ more Malaysia, an OSIM massage celebrity endorsements to chair is priced at RM 14K where increase their credibility, brand a massage chair from OGAWA awareness and gain market with a similar feature only share. retails at RM 6. 7K Product Product fulfils basic function of providing the total well-being and healthy lifestyle. 12 Consulting Assignment 3 DEMAND FORECASTING 3. 1 Forecast Summary Table FORECASTING METHOD SINGLE MOVING AVERAGES CRITERIA P= 2 P= 3 P= 4 P= 5 P= 2 P= 3 P= 4 P= 5 ? = 0. 8 ? = 0. 2 ? = 0. 9 Y= a + bX FORECAST FOR N=9 8,110 7,550 6,963 6, 450 8,868 9,970 8,629 9,346 5,292 8,204 8,311 9499 COMPUTED MAD 1,466 1,973 2,490 3,073 507 514 814 413 2,887 1,242 1,121 200 SINGLE MOVING AVERAGES USING ABOSLUTE CHANGE EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING REGRESSION TABLE 3. 1 3. 2 Analysis of Forecasting Methods Judging from the sales figures, a positive linear trend is identified based on the increasing sales of OSIM in the past 8 periods. There are various reasons that contributed to the growth. Singaporeans are earning a higher income, thus a greater disposable income which translates into a larger purchasing power. This escalation in spending power allows the consumer to purchase OSIM products as a status symbol. Also, due to the nature of Singaporeans being workaholics, there is little time to be engaged in outdoor activities, hence, resulting in a gradual boost of such healthy lifestyle products. Therefore, due to the stable demand, the time series model best suited to this pattern is the least square method. All in all, this method is deemed to be the most effective as it has the lowest computed MAD which reflects its accuracy in the forecasted sale for period 9. Though said so, OSIM should not rely exclusively on the regression method as the model has problems identifying seasonal impacts, and integrating those fluctuations into the forecast. The alternative would be to use the single moving average using absolute change as the demand of the products are stable and by adopting this method, small random fluctuations are levelled out. It also has the next lowest MAD which implies the accuracy of forecasted sales in comparison with the other models. 13 Consulting Assignment 4 4 FINANCIAL RATIOS 4. 1 Ratio Summary Table OSIM FLAGSHIP STORE GROSS MARGIN PERCENTAGE NET PROFIT PERCENTAGE STOCKTURN RATE TABLE 4. 1 67. 72% 17. 41 2. 75 INDUSTRY AVERAGE 52% 5% 6 4. 2 Ratio Analysis Gross Margin Percentage The gross margin percentage is a measurement of a company’s manufacturing and distribution efficiency during the production process. In comparison with the industry average of 52 percent, OSIM generates a much higher gross margin of 67. 2 percent. This indicates that OSIM is more efficient than most of its competitors from the industry. This disparity could be due to the low manufacturing cost that OSIM obtained from its contract manufacturers, thus the high gross margin. Despite the constant introduction of new products, OSIM still managed to attain a high gross margin percentage, thus reflecting the low inventor y level which signifies high sales volume. Net Profit Percentage OSIM has a high net profit percentage of 17. 41 percent as compared to the industry average of 5 percent which is at least 3 times more. The figure implies that OSIM has better control over its costs compared to its competitors. This substantial difference is largely attributed to the high sales volume and low operating costs incurred through economies of scale. Stockturn Rate Stockturn rate basically determines the firm’s efficiency in managing inventories. The stockturn rate of 2. 75 times by OSIM is relatively low as compared to the industry average of 6 times. The figure is still reasonably acceptable despite being a far cry from the rivals within the industry as it indicates that the inventories of OSIM were used and then again replaced almost thrice in one year. The reason for the gap could be attributed to OSIM’s experience in managing the inventory. It reflects OSIM’s ability to forecast its sales accurately for the next period and thus, do not need to worry about stock out situations. The risk of OSIM having a low stockturn rate could contribute to higher 14 holding costs which would eventually result in a low gross margin. However, with reference to the gross margin percentage of OSIM, the company is doing rather well in managing its resources. Also, a lower stockturn rate How to cite Consulting Assignment for Advanced Marketing, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Struggle For Education Essays - Johannes Von Lahnstein,

Struggle For Education ?Struggle For Education? In ?Kaffir Boy?, Mark ?Johannes? Mathabane's mother strives to send him to school. She does not let anything get in the way of her ambition. Even though her husband disapproves, she will not let anything get in her way, but now her desires for her son to be educated are stronger. Her courage speaks louder than the consequences she will face with her husband. It seems as though her husband is dealing with a great amount of jealously. A jealously that will decipher Johannes's decision about school. ?Did you hear what that woman said!? ?Do you want the same to happen to you A statement and question raised by his mother to show Johannes the importance of an education. ?They finally did. But what a battle it was, it took me nearly a year to get all them papers together.? Since it took his mother so long to get everything together there was no way she was going to let everything she worked so hard for go down the drain. Even though Johannes's mother and father were from different tribes, that did not stop her from putting her son in school. ?Your father and I fought today because I took you to school this morning.? Johannes's mother expresses her courage throughout the story. ?He had told me not to, and when I told him that I had, he became very upset. He was drunk. We started arguing, and one thing let to another.? She shows her courage by disobeying her husband's orders. Unlike her husband, she wants Johannes to have a future and getting an education is the only way for a future. Being beaten was the consequence of disobeying her husband, but the beating how no effect for Johannes's mother wanted to see her son succeed in the world. Johannes's father seems to be jealous that his own son may have a chance to be educated. He says, ?he doesn't have money to wasted paying for you to get what he calls an useless white man's education.? It seems that he does not understand that school will keep Johannes off the streets. He, himself being uneducated seems to be the result of not comprehending how valuable an education is. Johannes is extremely upset with his father because he beat his mother, and is also upset since his own father does not want him to be educated. Johannes sees school differently after he learns that his mother has always wanted to go to school. Also, her courage and ambition out weighs his father's jealously. Johannes makes a decision that will forever affect him. After, he realizes all the trouble and hard work his mother went through, he promises his mother that he will forever go to school. English Essays

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Mayan Conquest of the Kiche

The Mayan Conquest of the K'iche In 1524, a band of ruthless Spanish conquistadores under the command of Pedro de Alvarado moved into present-day Guatemala. The Maya Empire had deteriorated some centuries before but survived as a number of small kingdoms, the strongest of which was the K’iche, whose home was in what is now central Guatemala. The K’iche rallied around leader Tecà ºn Umn and met Alvarado in battle, but were defeated, ending forever any hope of large-scale native resistance in the area. The Maya The Maya were a proud culture of warriors, scholars, priests, and farmers whose empire peaked around 300 A.D. to 900 A.D. At the height of the Empire, it stretched from southern Mexico into El Salvador and Honduras and the ruins of mighty cities like Tikal, Palenque and Copn are reminders of the heights they reached. Wars, disease, and famine decimated the Empire, but the region still was home to several independent kingdoms of varying strength and advancement. The greatest of the Kingdoms was the K’iche, at home in their capital of Utatln. The Spanish In 1521, Hernn Cortà ©s and barely 500 conquistadores had pulled off the stunning defeat of the mighty Aztec Empire by making good use of modern weapons and native Indian allies. During the campaign, young Pedro de Alvarado and his brothers rose in the ranks of Cortes’ army by showing themselves to be ruthless, courageous and ambitious. When Aztec records were deciphered, lists of vassal states paying tribute were discovered, and the K’iche were prominently mentioned. Alvarado was given the privilege of conquering them. In 1523, he set out with about 400 Spanish conquistadores and some 10,000 Indian allies. Prelude to War The Spanish had already sent their most fearsome ally ahead of them: disease. New World bodies had no immunity to European diseases like smallpox, plague, chicken pox, mumps and more. These diseases tore through native communities, decimating the population. Some historians believe that more than a third of the Mayan population was killed by disease in the years between 1521 and 1523. Alvarado also had other advantages: horses, guns, fighting dogs, metal armor, steel swords, and crossbows were all devastating unknowns to the hapless Maya. The Kaqchikel Cortà ©s had been successful in Mexico because of his ability to turn long-simmering hatreds between ethnic groups to his benefit, and Alvarado had been a very good student. Knowing that the K’iche was the mightiest kingdom, he first made a treaty with their traditional enemies, the Kaqchikel, another powerful highland kingdom. Foolishly, the Kaqchikels agreed to an alliance and sent thousands of warriors to reinforce Alvarado before his assault on Utatln. Tecà ºn Umn and the K’iche The K’iche had been warned against the Spanish by Aztec Emperor Moctezuma in the waning days of his rule and flatly rejected Spanish offers to surrender and pay tribute, although they were proud and independent and would most likely have fought in any event. They selected young Tecà ºn Umn as their war chief, and he sent out feelers to neighboring kingdoms, who refused to unite against the Spanish. All in all, he was able to round up about 10,000 warriors to fight the invaders. The Battle of El Pinal The K’iche fought bravely, but the Battle of El Pinal was a rout almost from the start. The Spanish armor defended them from most native weapons, the horses, muskets, and crossbows devastated the ranks of native warriors, and Alvarado’s tactics of chasing down native chieftains resulted in several leaders falling early. One was Tecà ºn Umn himself: according to tradition, he attacked Alvarado and decapitated his horse, not knowing that horse and man were two different creatures. As his horse fell, Alvarado impaled Tecà ºn Umn on his spear. According to the K’iche, Tecà ºn Umn’s spirit then grew eagle wings and flew away. Aftermath The K’iche surrendered but tried to trap the Spanish inside the walls of Utatln: the trick did not work on the clever and wary Alvarado. He laid siege to the city and before too long it surrendered. The Spanish sacked Utatln but were somewhat disappointed by the spoils, which did not rival the loot taken from the Aztecs in Mexico. Alvarado conscripted many K’iche warriors to help him battle the remaining kingdoms in the area. Once the mighty K’iche had fallen, there was really no hope for any of the remaining smaller kingdoms in Guatemala. Alvarado was able to defeat them all, either coercing them to surrender or by forcing his native allies to fight them. He eventually turned on his Kaqchikel allies, enslaving them even though the defeat of the K’iche would have been impossible without them. By 1532, most of the major kingdoms had fallen. The colonization of Guatemala could begin. Alvarado rewarded his conquistadores with land and villages. Alvarado himself set out on other adventures but frequently returned as Governor of the area until his death in 1541. Some Mayan ethnic groups survived for a while by taking to the hills and fiercely attacking anyone who came near: one such group was located in the region that currently corresponds to north-central Guatemala. Fray Bartolomà © de las Casas was able to convince the crown to allow him to pacify these natives peacefully with missionaries in 1537. The experiment was a success, but unfortunately, once the region had been pacified, conquistadores moved in and enslaved all of the natives. Over the years, the Maya have retained much of their traditional identity, especially in contrast to the areas that once belonged to the Aztecs and the Inca. Over the years, the heroism of the K’iche has become the lasting memory of a bloody time: in modern Guatemala, Tecà ºn Umn is a national hero, Alvarado a villain.

Monday, March 2, 2020

3 Sentences That Require a Tense Shift

3 Sentences That Require a Tense Shift 3 Sentences That Require a Tense Shift 3 Sentences That Require a Tense Shift By Mark Nichol Many writers seem to assume that all verbs in a sentence must be in the same tense, but the tense for each verb should be appropriate to the context. Here are three examples of sentences in which a statement about a past event should reflect a continuous state. Discussion after each sentence explains the reasoning, and revisions illustrate it. 1. He discovered that in order to extract all the good compounds, you had to brew tea for twenty minutes at 80 degrees. The discovery referenced in this sentence occurred in the past, but it describes something that was true before the discovery and during the discovery and will presumably remain true in perpetuity, so the verb pertaining to brewing should be in the present tense: â€Å"He discovered that in order to extract all the good compounds, you have to brew tea for twenty minutes at 80 degrees.† 2. For each area, they were then asked to indicate whether they believed their level of knowledge was adequate or requires improvement. The querying of survey subjects described here happened in the past. If the respondents were asked this question again, their answer might be different, but at the time the question was asked, the survey sought a response about the current state of their thinking, so the verbs pertinent to that state should be in the present tense: â€Å"For each area, they were then asked to indicate whether they believe their level of knowledge is adequate or requires improvement.† 3. Jones asserted that these attributes of confidence were important because executives and directors can use them to assess and advance their organizations along the journey to realize their vision. The attributes do not cease to be important just because Jones is not continuously asserting that fact. Barring an unlikely drastic change in the attitude of executives and directors toward them, they remain so, and the continuous state of this importance should be communicated by a verb in the present tense: â€Å"Jones asserted that these attributes of confidence are important because executives and directors can use them to assess and advance their organizations along the journey to realize their vision.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidHow to Punctuate with â€Å"However†The Uses of â€Å"The†

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Qualcomm Stadium Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qualcomm Stadium Sponsorship - Essay Example On entry to the stadium parking lots, Qualcomm signs can be seen at top of the stadium on the east and west sides of the stadium. Also on top of the stadium next to Qualcomm, but on a smaller scale, is a sponsorship sign for Union Bank, which is one of the official sponsors of the stadium and of the Chargers team. When entering the main gates of the stadium, the entrance ways have Qualcomm signs and showcase another stadium sponsor, Bud Light. These signs are on top of the pathway. The ticket office also has Qualcomm signs. On first entrance into the stadium, wall sponsorship of Sycuan, which is a San Diego Casino, greets fans. At the concession area, Bud Light signs grace the places to buy drinks; there are no other sponsors for food concessions. Inside the playing arena of the stadium, many different sponsorship signs can be found. The Jumbo-tron has Qualcomm Stadium on the top of it. Further down the Jumbo-tron there is a big Bud Light sign that is lighted. On the sides of the Jum bo-tron, Pepsi has small signs. On one side there is an advertisement for Toyota, while Union Bank is on the other side. On the opposite side of the stadium there is a smaller Jumbo-tron with a Qualcomm sign on top and a Bud Light sign underneath.   There is a trolley system that brings fans back and forth from the city to the stadium that has no sponsorship signage. On the outside and inside walls of the stadium there are statues and plaques of the San Diego Padres baseball team all over the stadium. This takes up most of the inside and outside space. These are prime areas for sponsorship; however, they are being used to remember the MLB baseball team that is no longer using the stadium. The San Diego Padres moved to their own brand new stadium a few years back. The Padre statues and plates could be taken down and used more constructively for sponsorship purposes. At the top of the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Self-Representation of Native Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self-Representation of Native Americans - Essay Example Current conceptions and representations of Native American culture sometimes suppose they are lazy, casino owning alcoholics who ignorantly refuse to assimilate into modern society. One artist of the 19th century attempted to re-categorize the representations of Native Americans, George Caitlin. In his works, one sees an obvious and intentional desire to portray Native Americans as noble and civilized, some works going as far as to suggest that it is European civilization that is the problem as it is a corrupting and destructive influence on the indigenous populations of the Americas. Self-representation of oppressed and minority populations has proven an effective way to create a voice in the public discourse and to question the validity of particular suppositions which underlie the dominant paradigms of understanding. Unfortunately, there has been limited access to Native American self-representations in the public space until very recently. An exhibition of a rare sketchbook, A Kiowa's Odyssey, is traveling around the country showing the drawings of an autodidact, Etahdleuh Doanmoe, whose sketches depict the capture and relocation of 72 Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne and members of other tribes from Fort Sill, Oklahoma to St. Augustine, Florida. Though these Doanmoe sketches lack the formal compositional techniques of Caitlin's oeuvre the contrast between representation and self-representation of Native American populations is well manifested in the juxtaposition of these two bodies of work. This paper will focus on the context and intention as embodied by and thro ugh the sketches and paintings. The drawings that appear in the Sketchbook of Doanmoe were originally collected by Lieutenant Richard Henry Pratt, a strong advocate of Indian assimilation and the founder of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania.1 Pratt believed that the Indians needed to reject their primitive ways and become educated in Western language, manners, and religion. To this end after capturing Doanmoe and some 70 other Native Americans he marched them 1,000 miles from Fort Sill in Oklahoma to Fort Marion where they received "training" for three years. The sketchbook catalogued the events that took place there, and their titles once assembled were type-written on the top by Pratt himself.2 One feature of the sketches that is immediately noticeable is the unusual perspective that Doanmoe utilizes, namely a rather panoramic perspective as illustrated in his Prisoners Entering Fort Sill.3 This perspective intimates a fundamental disconnect with the subject matter. This fundament disconnection lies in stark contrast to many of the paintings of George Caitlin. Caitlin painted over 35 portraits of tribal chiefs and most of them such as Shonkakihega, Horse Chief, Grand Pawnee Head Chief 4have a very close and intensely intimate impression, with the subject dominating a rather contrived background that only serves to highlight and foreground the features of the subject as the colors in the background seem only chosen to compliment the various colors used for the subject. Caitlin was determined to attach a sense of nobility and austerity to the indigenous subjects of his works. This distinction in perspective reveals something about the relative positions of the two artists

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating Education Essays

Plagiarism and the Internet The Internet’s popularity has continued to grow since it first emerged, shocking the world with its never before seen technological capacities. It allowed for the communication of ideas and provided people with a wealth of information only a click away. More widely used now then ever before, the Internet supplies users with easy access to various kinds of information. With the unlimited availability of information on the web today, plagiarism has become a growing problem. The abundance of information available makes it easier and increases the temptation to steal other’s ideas. Plagiarism, which is taking credit for someone else’s ideas, is sometimes committed intentionally and other times accidentally. Often, copyrights are violated. In order to prevent this crime form being committed it is necessary that society is educated about copyright law and understands how to properly cite source material. If people understand what plagiarism is and the consequen ces they will face if detected, perhaps it is less likely that they will plagiarize. Today, 49% of people use the Internet as a reference source (â€Å"How† 1). It contains a plethora of information, and documents found on the web can be of great use when doing research. However, if ideas, concepts, or words are taken from another author’s work, they must be properly cited. If they are not properly cited this is plagiarism, which is considered to be unethical act by society; it also violates copyright law, and thus is punishable by law. Often people do not realize that even if they are only paraphrasing or summarizing someone else’s work, idea, or concept and not directly quoting it they are still plagiarizing. Borrowing another person’s idea is permissible if credit is given to whom it is due. However, stealing someone else’s work or idea and acting as if it were your own is not. Thus, it is pertinent that proper citation is always used. If one fails to use proper citation, one is guilty of plagiarism, and may face legal c harges for copyright violations. Plagiarism is not always committed intentionally, but the people who purposely attempt to deceive others by stealing someone else’s ideas should take into account the seriousness of their actions and the consequences they may face if caught. For those people who are guilty of plagiarism, but did so unintentionally and were simply unaware of what they were doing should also take into consideration their actions to try to prevent this act from occurring again in the future.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Children’s Play and Their Physical Health

With the presence of the media, transport patterns, and the physical environment of today, it has been suggested that the current conditions of the society have reduced the consistency and opportunities for children’s play, harming their play health and physical development as a result. Because of this, it was noted that such reduction has been a significant concern in terms of health perspective for children (â€Å"Play Health and Physical Development for Children,† 2009). Play is often associated with childhood, a phase that stresses the concepts of natural creativity and the liberty to play. Hence, it is highly important to encourage children to engage in plays with a creative format channeled towards learning. The purpose of play for children may not be explicitly expressed. However it should be taken into consideration that plays are something that actually children feel; an avenue where they can express themselves. It is an activity where they gain skills and experiment. Most importantly, play, especially the physical ones, provides positive outcomes that could be beneficial for the children in the long run (Jambor & Van Gils, 2007). According to researches, physically active children are more likely to develop their sensori-motor skills and physical health at a higher level compared to children who do not play at all. Because physically active children learn how to use their body parts in order to experience the sense of play, they develop more of their gross motor skills, agility, strength, and coordination. Hence, active playing, especially outdoor games, serves as children’s physical exercise and promotes their health welfare (Jambor & Van Gils, 2007). To further strengthen such claim, studies on children’s play in relation to physical health reveal that physically active children are less likely to develop chronic health conditions over a lifetime. Compared to sedentary children who are prone to hypertension and obesity, physically active ones have a lower risk of acquiring premature illness or death (Roberts, 1992). Other than the physical health benefits of children’s play, it was also found to contribute to a child’s emotional and psychological development, cognitive and learning stances, as well as their socialization and self awareness (Jambor & Van Gils, 2007). Based on the evidences presented, it can be inferred that promoting children’s play, most especially outdoor and physical play, is beneficial for the physical health of children. Aside from this, such activity is also seen as a child’s social arena and an imperative process of learning things outside the book. In this regard, the benefits of play do not only restrict itself to physical heath, but it also contributes to the emotional and cognitive maturity of the children which can help them become better adults in the future.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

African American Oppression Following The Civil War

African American Oppression Following the Civil War Following The Civil War, close to four million slaves were freed, but they were still faced with the systematic oppression of their past. Due to President Johnson’s support of state’s rights, many white southerners were able to place authority over newly freed slaves by establishing Black Codes, the KKK, and segregation. The new freedoms gained by African Americans following the civil war were insignificant because white superiority was heavily present. After the passing of the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery, Black Codes enabled white southerners to legally control blacks. The Black Codes were laws placed on African Americans in the South that were designed to prolong slavery even though it was abolished (Black). The Black Codes restricted African American’s new found freedom and forced them into labor. In many states, they were required to sign yearly labor contracts, and if they refused to sign them, they were subject to fines, unpaid labor, and arrest (Black). If they left their job before their contract was over, they were forced to forfeit their previously earned wages and they were subject to arrest (Black). The only occupations that African Americans were allowed to have were farming and servitude, unless they paid an annual fine ranging from 10 to 100 dollars (Black). There were also apprenticeship laws that affected African American children. This law stated that orphans or children, whose parentsShow MoreRelatedThe Challenges African Americans Faced in America963 Words   |  4 PagesThe Challenges African Americans Faced In America Raymon Rice ETH125 March 11, 2012 The Challenges African Americans Faced In America African Americans had a turbulent history in the United States ever since they were brought to the country as slaves. â€Å"Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. (Slavery in America, 2012) During the 17th andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Caged Bird By Maya Angelou882 Words   |  4 Pagesbirds: one bird has the luxury of freedom and the second bird lives its life caged and maltreated by an unknown tyrant. Maya Angelou wrote this poem during the Civil Rights Era, the period when black activists in the 1950’s and 1960’s fought for desegregation of African Americans. This poem parallels the oppression that African Americans were fighting during this time period. In â€Å"Caged Bird†, Angelou builds a strong contrast that shows the historical context of discrimination and segregation throughRead More`` Apos tles Of Disunion : The Rise Of The Confederacy That Fought For Slavery1064 Words   |  5 PagesSlavery and How the Battle Persists in Modern Culture For many years, historians debated over the reasoning behind the American Civil War and the factors that facilitated the tensions northern and southern states experienced during years prior. In an attempt to end the debate, Charles B. Dew explains in his book, Apostles of Disunion: Southern Commissioners and the Causes of the Civil War, the Southern state’s motives to secede from the Union were primarily slavery, racism, and white supremacy which canRead MoreThe Reconciliation of the North and South after the Civil War1186 Words   |  5 PagesAndrew Johnson signed a Proclamation which promised order and peace to the United States on August 20th, 1865, the Civil War was formally ended. Though the Confederates had been dominated, there was still a battle to preserve the Southern lifestyle against the impeding Northern republican ideals. President Lincoln had plans to peacefully restore the country to the Union it was prior to the war, but his assassination created set-backs to his plan. While both the North and the South were working toward reconciliationRead MoreSegregation During the First World War670 Words   |  3 PagesAs war spread across Europe in 1914-1918, black Americans saw a second opportunity in which they could use the war to their advantage, in securing the respect of their white neighbours. This contemporary conflict brought about great controversy within the black community, being asked to fight for a democracy on behalf of a country in which they did not receive equal treatment. Many activists did support the war effort, including DuBois announcing ‘while the war lasts [blacks] must forget [their]Read MoreAmerican South And German Imperialism Essay1257 Words   |  6 PagesAlabama in Africa, written by Andrew Zimmerman, explains the history surrounding the relationship between slavery in the American South as well as in the African village of Togo, run by Germany. He opens with the importance of cotton in America’s socia l, political, and economic markets. Not only does Zimmerman explain the correlation between cotton and black labor, but he further explains black labor through Booker T. Washington’s Tuskegee Institute. The Tuskegee Institute is a continual conceptRead MoreThe Civil Rights Act And Voting Rights1665 Words   |  7 Pagesof being American. They chant â€Å"Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492† and harmoniously sing patriotic songs such as The Star Spangled Banner while being utterly oblivious of America’s corrupt political system. It may not be until one is pursing their final years of high school, or perhaps even in college when they are aware of America’s history of possessing a highly restrictive political system. For minorities, America is not the land of the free. It is the land of oppression to progressionRead MoreNegative Effects Of Reconstruction981 Words   |  4 PagesThe American Civil War of 1861 to 1865 led to many positive and negative changes, which were created during the Reconstruction era, to the United States of America. After the 4 year long, destructive Civil War, the Southern states (referred to as ex-Confederate) were left in despair — destroyed environment and economy. The Reconstruction was put into action by Abraham Lincoln in order to bring racial equality between the colored and white people of America, but this goal was never achieved; it wasRead MoreAnalysis Of Nella Larsen s Passing 880 Words   |  4 PagesLarsen’s 1929 novel, Passing, is the story of two African American women, Irene Redfield and Clare Kendry, living in New York in the 1920’s. However, the two women are African American by ancestry rather than outward appearance because both possess light enough skin to be able to pass for white. African Americans passing as white was a common occurrence in post-Civil War America. Passing concerns itself with themes of identity, race, belonging, and oppression, ye t Larsen muddles the conventional ideas ofRead MoreFreedom Of The Slave By Abraham Lincoln1492 Words   |  6 Pagesrecognize the mistreatment they lavish? The freedom of slaves was a cause fought for many decades, and was finally resolved with the passing of the 13th amendment in 1865. This technicality of freedom symbolized a new beginning and the start of the African American citizenship in the United States. But, it is established that the word â€Å"free† does not necessarily correlate with successful or equal. The aftermath of slavery can be viewed in some instances to be just as harsh as slavery itself. Therefore,